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  • About this world

    This world is nameless because those who live here found no reason to name the beautiful world. There are several different terrains here going from grassy fields to volcanoes and fiery lands. Anything is possible: Humans, talking animals, wars, battles, weapons, ANYTHING. But remember, its no fun if your character always gets what they want.
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    Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:35 pm
    Creerwod  improve search engine ranking backlink service

    This is where I will post all of my announcements.
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  • Chat

    Anything you want to talk about, go right ahead and chat away! Please keep it clean though.
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    Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:43 am
    Dragon_Warrior If I could make a couple of suggestions?
  • Suggestions

    If you think something should be changed about the site post your idea here and I'll see what I can do.
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  • Creature creation

    If you have a new creature or being you want to spread the word about or just to show off your imagination, post it here. It can be serious, majestic, humorous, weak, powerful, anything you'd like!
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  • Other Roleplays

    This is where you can start your own Roleplay! Any topic is acceptable. Have fun!
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    Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:44 am
    Dragon_Warrior Draco-sapiens..... Original Fantasy Roleplay!
  • Characters

    This is where you will post all of your characters. This is the form you need to use. Please post your character in a different post than this one. Thank you.
    3 Topics
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    Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:44 am
    Lonefox(Admin) Dragon_Warrior's Characters
  • Field and Meadow region

    This is where most start their journey whatever it might be. From treasure hunting to bounty hunting. You name it and its possible. The field and meadow region is just grass for miles with rarely any trees or shrubs. It isn't very protected from the sun. It has all seasons normally and in the winter the grass seems invincible tot he snow. Trudging through the cold you can see patches of green grass sticking up as healthy as ever. There is a single, winding dirt path through the grass.
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:08 pm
    Lonefox(Admin) The journey starts.
  • Veride Town

    Veride Town is a small town in the Field and Meadow region. There is an Inn, a few stores for weapons, clothes and food. There are a few hut-like houses spread in a few places. The people are actually quite kind and they are usually elven. The town is famous for it's healers.
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  • The Oak Tree

    The giant oak tree is considered the 'master tree'. It is ten times larger than the average tree. It is connected to all other plants in this world. If it dies all plants in the world die. It is protected with a nearly invincible, magical, barrier so nobody can destroy it. If you have no harmful intent the barrier won't react to you. You are able to sit under it and enjoy the cool wind and the warm sun. The grass seems considerably softer under the tree. It's a very peaceful spot.
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:08 pm
    Lonefox(Admin) The journey starts.
  • Old Woman Geeva's House

    Old Woman Geeva is a human lady. She lives in a wood cabin in the center of the meadow at the base of a grassy hill. She loves to pick and grow flowers. For protection she has an elderly owl names Croat with unimaginable powers. He is able to talk and only uses his powers to protect his 'master'. Old Woman Geeva prefers to be called just Geeva or Mrs. G. She is very kind and will treat you to food and shelter for the night.
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  • Cliff and Rock region

    This region is full of rocky terrain, barely any vegetation. There are several cliffs and caves carved out by the wind rushing against it for several years. The wind here blows very fast and hard, kicking up dirt and sand sometimes. There are often large cracks in the ground and many have fallen through them and were never seen again. Its a very dangerous place if you don't know what you're dealing with. This region usually deals with two seasons, winter and fall. It's usually chilly and cold.
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  • Dragon Cave

    This is a cave in the highest mountain. There lives a man names Ryuu who hatch and care for hundreds of dragons. He knows all there is to know about them and seems to be able to 'control' them. He is a very rude man and might send them to attack intruders who try to come into the cave or climb the mountain. If they survive they can get a dragon egg bred specially from Ryuu's cave as a reward for their troubles. He is seemingly immortal. .
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  • Forested region

    This region is full of equally spaced out trees. It is easy to get lost in the forested area. It is a nice place to go if you don't get lost. The trees there have broad leaves that usually protect from rain and harsh sunlight. The tree bark is rough and easy to climb. There are normal seasons here: Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall.
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  • Gypsy Town

    A small town full of gypsies. They considered themselves one big family. It is said that they can see into your soul and when they first meet you they can see whether they will like you or not. If they like you they will treat you to food, a place to spend the night and they will even let you dance around the bonfire, in the center of town, with them at night or just watch. But if they don't like you they will often pull pranks, trick you, or steal from you.
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  • Royal City

    There is always a king and queen in this city. They rule over just this city and part of the forest. Every sixty years the king and queen change. This city is big and pearly white. The castle for royalty is a huge, white, spiral tower in the back of the city.There is a gate around the city and only one opening, one way to get in or out.
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  • Creepy Forest

    This forest is nameless and most just call it the creepy forest. It always seems dark. Trees seem thicker and unwelcoming, full of dark and sharp leaves. Thorn bushes are tangled and very common along the ground. Things might pop out of the shadows and eat you if you aren't careful! It is the land between the thick, lush forests to the Deadlands.
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  • Deadland region

    During the day the sun is covered by thick, dark clouds while at night the moonlight doesn't seem to reach the Deadlands and no stars fill the sky. Life is scarce and the only plant-life there are dead trees with sharp branches that reach toward the paths like clawed hands. It is hard for animals to survive here and all water sources have dried up. There are bones scattering the ground from animals and people alike who died of starvation and dehydration. Its a tough trip through the Deadlands and any determined travelers should be well prepared.
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  • Crystal Region

    This is a long stretch of land made of tons of beautiful crystals on flat rock. Crystals of all colors stick up from the ground, shimmering in the moonlight lightly and giving of blinding flashes of light during the day time. Sometimes the crystals grow to form shelters while others grow straight up like pillars. Its almost impossible for travelers to go through the Crystal Region during the day without becoming blind or getting severely lost. They have to travel at night. Crystals are of little value and are usually used to enhance magical powers.
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  • Diamond House

    Its a large shelter carved out from white crystals. A blind man lives there, though the crystals weren't the reason he became blind. He is a storyteller and a psychic. He can read minds and tell of the past and future just by touching a person. He finds it peaceful living int he crystal fields and collects them as a hobby. Tons of baskets full of multi-colored crystal shards sit around his crystal home. He makes them into jewelry and gives them to visitors. Though he is old and blind he is able to make his way around easily, memorizing every position of every crystal.
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  • Icy and Mountain Region

    This region is full of icy and snow. It's mostly made of valleys and ice-capped mountains. Its always below freezing and almost always in the negatives. It usually snows and sometimes blizzards will rage through the region. Surprisingly, despite the cold weather, many creatures live in this region, blending into the snow.
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  • The Icicle

    The Icicle is a large shard of ice that is dug halfway into the ground. It sparkles mysteriously and there is a little glowing orb of light in the center of it. The ice is unbreakable and can never melt. It is said that a Goddess named Isis lives in the Icicle. Another rumor is that if you have a pure heart and you go to her Icicle she will grant you a wish. But if your heart is tainted with evil she will ignore you.
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  • The Igloo

    There is a large igloo somewhere in the Icy Region. It is several times bigger than an average Igloo and it is said that it is cursed. Many avoid the 'cursed' igloo. It is deemed abandoned. It would be wise not to enter.
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  • Cold Soul City

    Cold Soul City is an odd city made entirely of ice. The ice is so solid it's almost impossible to break. Those who live there are adapted enough to survive in the harsh and cold climates. They actually enjoy it. They are usually kind people that live there though most prefer to live alone.
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  • The Ice Carver

    The Ice Carver is a wizard man who lives in the Cold Soul City. He carves sculptures out of ice and makes them into jewelry or small statues. He is very popular and despite the number of people in the Cold Soul City he is the best ice carver. He uses his magic sometimes to animate the ice sculptures and make them move or talk. Sometimes he can put spells on them so people can use them as protection but that costs extra.
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  • Desert Region

    Sand sand everywhere. There's nothing but sand and hot sun, maybe the occasional cactus. It's surprising there are still animals living there. Be careful, many poisonous creatures lurking in the sand, using their camouflage to hide while they wait to strike.
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  • Quicksand Whirpool

    The Quicksand Whirlpool is just like it's name suggests. It is a whirlpool-shaped quicksand pit. It's huge and easy to notice from the sky but if you're traveling on foot then you can easily slip in unless you hear it ahead of time. It sounds like sand-paper rubbing against itself. Many avoid falling in because they think it leads to certain death when actually it leads to ruins of a sunken town under the Desert Region. It's easy to get lost but if you ever do find your way out you're lucky.
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  • Sun Town Ruina

    Sun Town was a beautiful city that used to thrive in the desert area. It was sucked under the sand mysteriously and nobody knows how and why. Only a few survived, finding their way out before they died of starvation, dehydration, or their own town crumbling down on them. There is only one way out, a tunnel that leads up and ends in a cave far away.
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  • Beach/Ocean Region

    Beautiful beach area that ends at the ocean. Far out in the ocean there are several islands. The bigger ones are well-known while the smaller ones aren't so noticed. It's almost easy to find a boat to get you to an island. Many locals will be glad to take you across the calm ocean. It barely ever rains here and never gets cold.
    6 Topics
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    Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:22 am
    immewsro  health benefit of salmon
  • Tropics

    A tropical, jungle-like place full of lush vegetation and exotic plants and animals. It leads right up tot he beach where the trees thin out and the dirt and grass fade to sand. There are many poisonous plants and animals in this jungle so be careful.
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  • The Islands

    All of the islands
    6 Topics
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    Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:22 am
    immewsro  health benefit of salmon
  • Tallu Island

    A beautiful island famous for its colorful beads that are made into jewelry. Their jewelry is bright in color and apparently unbreakable. They are said to have a magical quality to them.
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  • Blood Island

    A paradise for 'vegetarian' vampires who only drink the blood of animals. This place is rarely populated by anything other than the blood suckers. They are usually quote kind and often enjoy curious visitors. They tend to shun Werewolves and the non-vegetarian vampires.
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  • Saylix Island

    This is a beautiful island famous for their pottery. It is said that the clay they find under the island's sands is unbreakable after dried. They are painted with vivid colors and they take pride in their merchandise.
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  • Berutay Island

    This island is beautiful and is the biggest out of the other four. It is famous for it's seafood, cooked or raw. They pick spices and ingredients from the jungle on the beach (the one off of the island). Their food is delicious and loved by most Mermaids and water Nymphs.
    6 Topics
    6 Posts
    Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:22 am
    immewsro  health benefit of salmon
  • Volcanic Region

    This region is rocky and on top of hot lava. There are several volcanoes and lava spouts. It's extremely hot to the point where it is unbearable. Not many creatures live there, mostly fire creatures that love the heat. You can see the heated rock and lava through the cracks on the ground. The volcanoes are always active. For some reason the lava never seems to reach outside of the region. It never reaches into other regions.
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  • Land of the Nymphs

    A territory claimed by the nymphs. They don't act kindly to anybody in their territory who isn't a nymph but they aren't very strong so there isn't much they can do about it. There are several kinds of nymphs (fire, water, nature, ect.). This territory is mostly full of forests and swamp lands. There is one small stretch of land that is purely rocky terrain. It is almost always hot and humid no matter what season. To claim this territory the queen nymph must be killed by the desired new leader.
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  • Land of the Shape-shifters

    This is a territory populated by any creature that can change their form completely (werewolf, weredragon, shape-shifters). They become more violent with those who enter their territory and aren't a shape-shifter. Be careful, you might not escape with your life. To claim this territory the desired leader has to kill the king who rules this territory.
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  • Open Lands

    The Open Lands are named for their openness. There are grassy fields, rolling green hills and the occasional cliff. It rains often but most of the time the sun is shining brightly. This land is unclaimed by any kind To claim it the desired leader must post that they've claimed the land and for who (what species) they have claimed it for.
    1 Topics
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    Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:18 pm
    Dragon_Warrior Stake Your Claim
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